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500 gram TOK breast filet

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon paprika powder


¼ cup olive oil

½ cup passion fruit concentrate

½ red onion (diced)

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

Toppings (optional):


Red onions




  1. Marinate the TOK chicken breast with the spices and olive oil.
  2. Grill the TOK breast filet in a grill pan for 5 min on each side.
  3. Make the dressing with olive oil, passion fruit concentrate, Italian herbs, sliced ​​red onion, salt and black pepper.
  4. Make the salad with toppings of your choice.
  5. Place your roasted breast filet on top of your salad.
  6. Then you sprinkle the dressing over your roasted TOK breast filet and salad.